Kenny Burke
One single act of kindness can change somebody’s life. On this Giving Tuesday there is no better time to shine a spotlight on someone who is so giving! Giving Tuesday…It is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. On this Giving Tuesday, we would like to give special thanks to our electrician, Kenny Burke of Broadway Energy, for all that he has given to us…which started with a single act of kindness. He believed in what we are doing and with the support of his wife Denise and son Ryan, he offered to help. It is hard to give a proper thank you to someone who is just so giving. In addition to rewiring our building pro bono, Kenny has brought so many people to us that have been instrumental in making this happen. Because of Kenny and his act of kindness and how he continues to help us, we are that much closer to changing the lives of adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Thank you Kenny. We will FOREVER be grateful to you! @ No Limits Cafe